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No. 5: San Francisco, Calif.
Men in the Bay area have that ideal mix of intelligence, health and wealth. Compared to other cities, there's a low rate of drinkers, smokers and obese people in the population. More than 50 percent hold a bachelor's or graduate degree, and Forbes listed Frisco as the ninth Smartest City in America. Plus, they're in the top 10 of cities with men making more than $100,000 annually.

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No. 4: Fort Collins, Colo.
With higher than average scores across the board in overall health, weight, non-smokers and non-drinkers, guys in Fort Collins are very easy on the eyes. They might not be the top earners in this list, but a fair number of men hit that $100,000 annually mark and 49 percent have earned a bachelor's or graduate degree, earning it 12th place in Forbes' Smartest Cities.

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No. 3: Cambridge, Mass.
Harvard certainly skews the stats favorably for this New England city, but there's more to their sex appeal than high IQs. They're healthy, wealthy and sexually active (according to's ranking), too. Throw in low rates of heavy drinkers and smokers, and you've got the formula that makes Cambridge men smart and sexy.

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No. 2: Boulder, Colo.
Although the men of Boulder have plenty of qualities that make them eye candy (think: non-smokers, moderate drinkers, healthy bodies), they're also tops on our list for their cerebral attributes. It�s the no. 1 smartest city, according to a Forbes survey. Simply put: they're highly educated, and few things are sexier than an intelligent man, right?

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No. 1: Bethesda, Md.
Book smarts? Check. Healthy bank accounts? Check. Good physiques? Check. Few bad habits? Check. The mix of military and government serves the men of Bethesda well. The city is the second smartest, according to Forbes, and a higher than average number make more than $100,000 a year. Bethesda also has one of the lowest percentages of drinkers and smokers in the country, and is in the top percentile of healthy, active and fit people.

One woman's idea of what's hot can be another's what's not. How can we measure a city's sexiness if beauty is so subjective? According to evolutionary psychologist David Buss, Ph.D., author of "The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating," women look for a few key qualities in a mate. Along with the usual suspects -- love, mutual attraction and personality -- women also desire "intelligence, good health, emotional stability, ambition and industriousness, and good financial prospects," Buss says. We combed through reams of census data -- covering lifestyle factors like smoking and drinking, as well as surveys on health, weight, education and income -- to find out where the hotties live. Do you live in one of these sexy-guy cities?
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