The biggest city in Alabama is home to more women than men (the second highest female to male ratio in the U.S.), which means one thing: more cellulite. With one of the highest populations of adult smokers and a whopping 70.3 percent of its citizens either obese or overweight and 6 percent reporting poor health, there�s no better recipe for cellulite.
Here�s what we absolutely know about cellulite: you can�t "cure" it, women are more likely to have it, and it ain't pretty. What causes cellulite isn't so clear. Hormones and genetics definitely play a role (thanks, mom), but Howard Murad, M.D., and CEO/founder of Murad, Inc., says lifestyle factors that damage the skin or cause poor circulation, think: smoking, excess weight, a diet high in bad fats, alcohol, lack of exercise and overall poor health -- can also contribute. So we mined reams of official data and population research to find out what U.S. cities have the highest rates of cellulite risk factors. Find out if you live in one.