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No. 1: MAC Matte, $18 average member rating: 4.5*
What you said: "I have been a MAC fan for 10 years now and was so disappointed in this particular product. Not only does it NOT make a difference in its 'claim' to prevent shine, but it also made me break out over and over again. I thought it was just a coincidence that I would break out, so I tested it on five random days and each and every time I used it — pimples galore." —aznsweetness,

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*At time of publication

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The Best: No. 15: MAC Eye Shadow, $14.50 average member rating: 9.4*
What you said: "THE best eyeshadow I have ever used. I will never switch to another brand when it comes to eyeshadow. It comes in a broad range of colors so there isn't a reason to switch brands anyway! The pigments are so concentrated and easy to apply. Even if you're new to makeup, you won't mess up with MAC eyeshadow. Favorite part about MAC eyeshadow? The fact that it stays on FOREVER!! I've woken up with my color still intact. HIGHLY recommended!" —afashionicon, member

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*At time of publication

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No. 14: MAC 21 Lash, $12 average member rating: 9.5*
What you said: "I love these MAC 21 lashes! They look really natural and are pretty light so they don't bother your lids throughout the evening. MAC says to wear them once (if you add mascara to them) but I've worn mine up to three times." —CarlyG210, member

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*At time of publication

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No. 13: MAC Blot Film, $12.50 average member rating: 9.6*
What you said: "These little blot films are wonderful! Instead of reapplying your powder and [having it] become a cakey mess by the end of the day, you just pull one of these babies out and blot away. You will be surprised how much it helps control the shine. In the long run, these end up saving you money or at least [helping you] break even because you don't use as much powder as you normally would." —Kimwaldman, member

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*At time of publication

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No. 12: MAC 187 Duo Fibre Brush, $42 average member rating: 9.6*
What you said: "I use this brush to apply my foundation. I dab my foundation on my face and use the 187 to blend it in. It gives me a flawless, airbrushed look. It is a great multi-purpose brush." —natalierb, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

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*At time of publication

Before you buy your next eyeshadow or makeup brush — check out these unbiased reader reviews. They reveal that of all (and there are thousands) of the MAC products available, the brushes top every makeup-lovers list. But not all MAC products are perfect — so be sure to steer clear of the ones that made our readers' do-not-buy lists.

Image via Imaxtree
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