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Clinique has a loyal following, and for good reason -- many Clinique products are loved by readers and editors alike. But of course, not all of their products are perfect. So let these reviews be your buying guide. average member rating: 4.8*
What you thought: "This product feels good on your skin ... for about five seconds. The warming effect is quite nice, but it quickly leads to a burning sensation. My skin was left red and irritated with pores the same size. My face was dry and flaky for days following use of this product." -- English79, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average member rating: 5.6*
What you thought: "I really do not know what this is supposed to prevent. It dried out my under-eye circles and it was hard to put make up on [over it]. It does indeed brighten but that is all ... no lifting, firming or moisturizing. I will never buy this again." -- marilyn74, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average member rating: 6*
What you thought: "This is an average moisturizer but not the worst out there. I probably will not buy this again. There are better products out there that are cheaper." -- Bond_Girl, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average member rating: 6.3*
What you thought: "This mascara claims that it is 'waterproof and sweatproof' but from my experience it is actually neither. I used this mascara when I went to work and within four hours there were visible black bags under my eyes from the mascara. It also is pretty dry in the tube, and hardly looks like you are wearing mascara. This was a big disappointment. Don't waste your money." -- beauty_queen, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

Clinique has a loyal following, and for good reason -- many Clinique products are loved by readers and editors alike. But of course, not all of their products are perfect. So let these reviews be your buying guide.
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