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Neutrogena is a drugstore fave — who among us didn't reach for their products during our acne-prone teen years? The brand has many standouts in the skincare, sunscreen and hair categories — and a fair share of duds. See which to buy and which to avoid according to members.

Image via @neutrogena

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The Worst: No. 4: Neutrogena SkinClearing Liquid Makeup, $11.99 Average Member Rating: 5.1*
Why: "This product says 'skin clearing' but for me, it was the exact opposite," says one disappointed user. "It turned my face into an oil slick and made me break out after only a few uses." Others found that the product made their skin look cakey, rough and dry. For people with sensitive or acne-prone skin especially, this product is not user-recommended.

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication Average Member Rating: 4.7*
Why: "Incredibly drying" is the prevailing opinion among users of this facial cleanser. Readers with dry, combo and oily skin alike all had the same reaction. "Even when I used a moisturizer, my face was still tight and uncomfortable," one user reports. "It smells nice, [but that] is its only redeeming quality."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

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The Worst: No. 2: Neutrogena Healthy Skin Brightening Eye Perfector SPF 25, $11.99 Average Member Rating: 4.8*
Why: Many readers had trouble applying this eye-brightening product effectively. "Maybe I am not applying it correctly, but it does not seem to do much concealing under my eyes," says one user. "I feel like it actually draws attention to the under eyes." Other users found that the product was irritating and difficult to blend. Overall, members are "not huge fans."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

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The Worst: No. 1: Neutrogena Healthy Skin Compact Makeup SPF 55, $12.99 Average Member Rating: 2.7*
Why: The lowest-ranked Neutrogena product is this "supercakey," unflattering foundation. "It accentuated every line, wrinkle, flaw I had," reports one reviewer. "It was hard to apply, first off," adds another. "Then it didn't last very long at all. It made my skin look very oily." All things considered, this product is a must-toss.

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

Neutrogena is a drugstore fave — who among us didn't reach for their products during our acne-prone teen years? The brand has many standouts in the skincare, sunscreen and hair categories — and a fair share of duds. See which to buy and which to avoid according to members.

Image via @neutrogena
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