S.A.D. symptoms are typical of depression. "Tiredness, prone to sleep, trouble getting out of bed, and overeating -- especially carbohydrates," says Josephson. Other symptoms also include a decrease in activity, irritability, trouble concentrating, and even crying spells.
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Solution: Light therapy
One of the best solutions is phototherapy such as dawn simulators. "Dawn simulators are lamps in your house that turn on as the sun comes up," says Josephson. An individual is exposed to the light from powerful bulbs (around 1,000 lux) for 30 minutes each morning. "The results are quite powerful -- as effective as an anti-depressant," says Josephson.
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Solution: Plan a winter vacation
Another way to get a bit of light therapy: change your lotion. Spending a few days in a tropical climate filled with lots of sun, such as the Caribbean, can dramatically perk up your mood. It may not be cheap but if you can swing it, it's a lot of fun.
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Solution: Exercise
Exercise has long been essential to fighting off depression. Many studies prove that even a brief workout will kick your endorphins into high gear, which leaves you with a positive, energized feeling. "Getting off your butt and out of the house is extremely important," says Josephson. So even if the weather is preventing you from jogging outside, skip the yoga in your living room and instead pop over to your gym for a class or quick turn on the treadmill. The change of scenery will do you a world of good.
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Solution: Lay off the carbs
Although the holidays are packed with heavy foods and tons of sweets, gobbling carbohydrates will only add to your already fatigued feeling, says Josephson. Steer clear from overeating breads, pastas, and cookies and instead opt for energy-boosting snacks with protein such as raw nuts.
Does winter have you feeling blue? It's true we're all a little irritable post Labor Day. After all we're mourning the loss of beach trips, BBQs, and comfy flip-flops. But the end of summer can be more than a bummer; it can even cause you to develop a mood disorder. If you're feeling more down than usual you could be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.).
Fortunately, there are plenty of easy solutions for busting out of your cold weather funk. Keep reading as we break down the cause, the symptoms, and solutions for those winter blues.