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Best for a full-body tan: Bliss A Tan for All Seasons, $36
If you've ever tried to self-tan your back with a lotion, you understand the genius of a spray. This one is especially fantastic because you can turn it in every direction, and it'll keep working. Plus, it's tinted, so you can see where you've applied it. The result? A rich shade of nutty brown. People will think you've just come back from a tropical vacation -- and you won't have a single tan line or missed patch.

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Best for everyday use: Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer, $8.99
There are people who self-tan for a special occasion like a wedding, and then there are those who self-tan every single day. If they're not careful, the self-tanning addicts can end up with a skin tone that's � well, not exactly human.

To avoid overdoing it, opt for a gradual glow moisturizer like this one. Because it's meant to be used daily, the color is buildable and won't get too dark or too orange. Plus, all of the Jergens Natural Glow products have been reformulated, and the self-tanner smell is gone.

A lot of self-tanners are too greasy for the face and create prime conditions for a major breakout. And you can forget about applying foundation on top -- it slides right off. But this moisturizing cream feels like real, luxurious skin care. Plus, the color develops quickly (you'll start to see it in about an hour) into a warm golden bronze.

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Best for beginners: St. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing Mousse, $42
Lotions can be streaky and sprays can be unwieldy, which is why many self-tanning aficionados opt for a mousse. This formula from St. Tropez is the gold standard. It's incredibly light, yet it's sturdy enough to stay on the skin (this one is tinted, so you can tell where you've applied it). And it comes with a mitt, which makes all the difference when it comes to preventing streaks and splotches.

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Best overnight transformation: L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion, $10.79
You could slap this self-tanner on blindfolded and it wouldn't streak -- it's that good. Its magic ability to always go on evenly is what makes it ideal for before-bed application. You apply, put on your pajamas, and forget about it. As with all self-tanners, it doesn't play nicely with white sheets, so switch your light-colored bed linens out for a darker color. But overall, this one requires minimal effort for a maximum tan by morning.

I've had some major self-tanner mishaps over the years. From orange palms for weeks (yes, weeks) to splotches that looked like rare skin diseases, I've experienced it all.

And after a string of self-tanner woes, I've finally had what Oprah would call an "Aha! Moment": Most self-tanners are terrible. So terrible, in fact, that I'd rather be pale.

However, there are a few gems -- a select group of self-tanners that stand out among their awful competitors -- and they can be found in drugstores, Sephora, and department stores alike. When I'm desperate for color (i.e. the last Vegas bachelorette party I attended), I turn to one of these.

Skip ahead to see which self-tanners made the cut.

Since the self-tanning formula is so tricky to get right, I've decided the good self-tanners out there deserve an award. Which is why I'm handing out self-tanner superlatives. Some of these are new for 2013, while others are oldies but goodies. I hope you find the one that works for you so you never have to go out in public looking like Tony the Tiger. I already suffered for you.
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