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Tip 1: Expose your lips
While some men like a rouged lip, most replied back with a resounding "NO!" when asked if they preferred a mouth coated in lipstick. One woman said, "my boyfriend LOVES it when I wear a subtle lip gloss that shows off the texture of my natural lips. He hates to kiss me when I'm rockin' the red." One guy said, "For some reason, the smell of lipstick has, and always will, remind me of my grandma. I'm sorry, but no one deserves that imagery."

When it comes to your sexiest pout, the majority of men prefer a more natural look. They (for the most part) don't care what's being worn on the runways, but do care about what's most kissable. So what makes lips kissable? "Soft, moisturized and ready for a good time," says one guy.

Readers' fave products for creating soft lips with a bit of come-hither shine:
Carmex Moisture Plus Clear Gloss, $2.89
Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer, $9.99
Clinique Superbalm Moisturizing Gloss, $14

Bonus tip: Some guys said that one of the hottest things about lip gloss isn't seeing your lips in it, but seeing you apply it (go figure). So tilt your head back, open your lips ever so slightly, and give them a good lip gloss application show they won't forget — hey, whatever works, right?

Image via Imaxtree

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Tip 2: Exfoliate and shave
"I find it the sexiest when I'm kissing a girl and I lightly brush my hand over her legs and her skin is super smooth. It's just the ultimate in femininity," says one guy. "There is this part on a woman's belly, just around her belly button and around her hips, that is so smooth that it just begs for my lips," another man claims.

Soft, touchable skin was the number one thing many of the men we talked to find sexiest, and the best way to get smooth, supple skin is by regularly removing rough, dead skin cells and prickly hair.

Here's how to get extra smooth skin:
Start by removing dry skin all over your body with a gentle, hydrating exfoliating body scrub like Sephora Body Scrub Tube, $16 which exfoliates, hydrates and has a sweet, subtle scent that Total Beauty reader's love. Next, move on to the most important part -- de-fuzzing. Choose a razor specifically designed for women's body as it will give you your closest shave to remove all stubble. Finally, after you've removed all unwanted hair and are just out of the hot shower, slather on an alcohol-free, unscented body lotion like Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion, $10.50 -- it will be the least likely to irritate your skin and cause unsightly, and "untouchable" bumps. If you do happen to get razor burn, a bit of deodorant applied to the area can help alleviate the symptoms.

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Tip 3: Get regular bikini waxes
Felling confident "down there," is very important to a lot of ladie's sexual self-confidence. "When I know all that 'business' is taken care of, I can just relax and have a good time [when we get intimate]. Which, of course, is all my husband really wants," says one woman. Lots of men we asked shared the "I just want her to be comfortable" sentiment: "whatever is going to make my girlfriend feel the sexiest, is what I want," says one devoted boyfriend.

A lot of women stated that a fast, albeit somewhat painful, way to make them feel sexy, is getting their bikini area waxed: "while getting your bikini area completely waxed is probably the most unreal pain a human being can ever endure in one's life (other than giving birth), it's not masochism that keeps me going back, but the complete stress-free confidence it gives me."

Not ready for such a hairless commitment? You aren't alone. Instead of waxing your bikini area, try Noxzema Bikini Shavers, $3.99 which are great for such a sensitive area and "never leave nicks or razor burn" says one reader.

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Tip 4: Let him see your eyes
"Nothing is more unattractive to me than when I see a girl with a caked on face and big phony eyelashes. It just looks like she is trying way too hard which is telling me she is the kind of girl that requires way too much effort," says one guy. Other men replied with similar distaste when asked how they felt about faux eyelashes: "Not a fan. With fake eyelashes, you get this strange plastic look around the eyes that doesn't fit, unless the rest of the body is plastic as well ... if you know what I mean." Some guys didn't mind them, but one warned, "go ahead and wear them if you think they look hot, but just so you ladies know, it is a huge turn off if one of those things comes off. Ew."

Instead of going faux, opt for a couple of coats of your favorite volume-enhancing mascara. And if you really need help in the lash enhancing department, choose individual lashes like ModelCo Lash Out Individual Lashes, $16 instead of strips, as they tend to look more natural. Apply two small bunches on the outer half of your upper lash lines for a flirty finish.

Image via Imaxtree

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 Tip 5: Choose a smoky eye
Hands down the number one makeup look men preferred (over no makeup at all) is a seductive smoky eye. A lot of female readers agreed. They claimed they get the most compliments from their men when they go either completely bare (or what looks completely bare), or when they do a sexy, smoldering smoky eye paired with nude lip gloss. "My boyfriend hates it when I try experimenting with 'hip' colors like greens or bright blues, he says it distracts from my natural beauty," says one reader.

So why do men love a smoky eye look? "It makes the eyes look deep and entrancing," said one. Get the sexy eye look easily by choosing a smoky eye kit like Tarte Peep Show Smokey Eye Palette, $37 which includes all of the brushes, eyeliner and eyeshadows you'll need. Start by sweeping shadow from lash lines to creases and along your lower lash lines. Then line your eyes and inner rims with pencil liner. Finish with multiple coats of mascara. Just remember to stick to using bronzes, golds, silvers, greys and black when choosing your smoky eye palette of colors.

Image via Imaxtree

When it comes to pleasing a man, sometimes a gal just wants to throw in the proverbial towel. There are so many questions when it comes to what men like and so few definitive answers. For instance, "does he think my red lipstick is sexy or slutty?" or "are my fake eyelashes a turn-on or off?" And these are the easy questions. Trying to figure out what they want emotionally is a whole other issue. One reserved for all-nighter conversations or the therapist's couch (NOT our field of expertise, sorry). The guidance we can give you in the relationship department is strictly beauty related, but every smart seductress knows that her beauty can act as her secret weapon to getting a man's attention and affection. That's why we're sharing some sexy beauty tips that are tried, true and sure to heat things up. No matter what the temperature is outside, these beauty tips will make him melt — see them now.

It's important to remember that what some guys love about the way a girl looks, others guys don't. One thing's for sure: there is no single thing that every guy likes when it comes to your beauty practices. However, there are a few things that are guaranteed to raise the blood pressure of most guys. To find out what those are, we pounded the virtual beauty pavement (by way of Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and asked men and women to nail down exactly what it is that guys like most when it comes to a woman's beauty. And here is what we got: specific makeup looks, secret scents, sexy hairstyles and beauty tips that have made pulses race all over the country.

Before we show you the beauty tips that'll send his temperature soaring, allow a quick obligatory side note: while these beauty tips will make you irresistible, no hairstyle or makeup style can look hot unless you feel confident wearing it or doing it. Feeling uncomfortable in your skin (or makeup or hairstyle) is NOT sexy to any man. A woman has to "own" her style to look sexy — period. With that said, be yourself and try on some of these sexy beauty secrets, but don't blame us when he won't leave you alone.

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