Sure, Adriana Lima and Rihanna have amazing bodies. They also have amazing personal trainers. And now we can, too. Thanks to Nike Training Club, you can get exclusive workouts from celebrities like Lea Michele, athletes like Shawn Johnson, and even from Rihanna's personal trainer, Ary Nunez.
With access to 85 custom-built workouts, these drills build on the fundamentals of strength, cardio, interval, and core training to help you tone your body like an A-lister. With the audio instructor and video demonstrations available at all hours of the day, it's like having a personal trainer at your beck and call.
When you're trying to shed some pounds, cardio is a must -- yet most of us come up with a million excuses to avoid it. We're too tired, it's too boring, the treadmill line at the gym is too long, etc., etc. When you're running, and you find your motivation waning, there's only one thing to keep you going: zombies. There's nothing like a half-dead, flesh-eating corpse chasing you to get you to run faster.
This brilliant app submerges you in a highly interactive audio adventure. Co-created by award-winning novelist Naomi Alderman, the guttural breaths and rattling groans of the walking dead get closer, surrounding you on every side -- all you can do is run! With each advancing level, you'll be narrated into more missions to keep the survivors alive with ammo and medicine you've collected on your trail. With 17 missions, this game-trainer hybrid will get you to run and lose weight -- the fun way.
For most of us, our phone is an adult-version of a security blanket. Without it we feel isolated, lost, and let's face it, bored. C'mon, admit it: Haven't there been a few times when you almost ran into a pole, a mailbox, or a stranger because you were thoroughly absorbed in a work email (or more likely, a vicious round of Words with Friends)? Thought so.
Despite the hazards that come with being distracted, you can't help but succumb to the smart phone's lure. With just a tap of your finger, you can "like" your friend's Facebook picture, see what Kim Kardashian is having for lunch today, and get up-to-the-minute breaking news. No need for a TV, a computer, or a personal assistant. And now, there's just one more reason why you should tighten your grasp on that little gadget: It'll make you skinny.
That's right. Because of the ingenious entrepreneurship of app creators, there are now apps for every fitness and diet need imaginable. Need some sage advice that'll pry the cookie dough out of your hands at 3 a.m.? There's an app for that. Want a personal trainer to yell at you for slacking on your target pace? There's an app for that, too. Need motivation to get off the couch and start running in the first place? Yeah, you get the drift.
And while there are hundreds of applications out there that promise to offer you the same results as a gym or personal trainer, we sifted through all of them and boiled it down to the best fitness apps that'll help you lose the most weight. These 12 apps have the latest in GPS, motion sensor, and bar scanning technology to give you all the tools you need to get in the best shape of your life -- fast. See the 12 best fitness apps now.