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The 10 Commandments of Makeup Brushes

Your essential guide to making the most out of your makeup brushes
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No. 2: Clean Your Brushes for Hygienic Purposes
We'll admit that cleaning brushes is not the most fun aspect of makeup (kind of like how it's always fun to cook, but cleanup is the worst). But, it's incredibly necessary.

A study at Loyola Marymount University found that there was significant bacterial activity on unwashed makeup brushes after just one week -- but not any more so than you would come in contact with on a daily basis. But after two weeks, the bacteria doubled, and by the end of the month, well, let's just say the results weren't pretty. Not only can this bacteria cause acne, it can even result in more serious problems, like eye infections. To make matters worse, the brushes also transfer germs into whichever products you dip them in.

Keep in mind that brushes that come into contact with cream or liquid products are even bigger breeding grounds for bacteria, as they thrive in moist conditions.

Moral of the story: Deep cleanse your makeup brushes at least every one to two weeks.

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No. 3: Clean Your Brushes for the Good of Your Skin
Not only can dirty makeup brushes cause breakouts and infections, they can also ruin the quality of your brush. Read: Those soft, lovely bristles you loved swirling over your face in the beginning can turn hard and abrasive, which can irritate and scratch your skin, making it way less fun to apply makeup.

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No. 4: Know How to Clean Your Brushes
Okay, we've hammered home the importance of clean brushes -- but you can't just stick your makeup tools in the dishwasher. To wash bristled brushes, makeup artists recommend using a mild cleanser, or even baby shampoo.

Put a squirt of cleanser onto your hand and swirl the brush around in it, letting water lightly run over your hand. Keep the handle of your brush dry to prevent the glue that holds it together from breaking down.

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No. 5: Let Your Brushes Air Dry Flat
Cleanse your brushes in the evening (best done while binge-watching the new season of "Orange Is the New Black."), because it will take them approximately all night to dry.

Lay them out flat on a paper towel, which won't retain as much water as a regular towel and will cut down your dry time. This way, water won't seep into the bristles and damage the glue holding them to the handle. As an added bonus, it will help your brushes keep their shape -- because what good is an angled contour brush if it loses its curve?

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No. 6: Never Ever Use Your Blow-Dryer to Speed Things Up
We get it: Waiting for your brushes to air-dry feels like it takes forever. But don't be tempted to zip through the process by blasting them with your hair dryer -- this can cause the glue that holds your brushes together to come undone, resulting in damaged brushes that, at the least, shed all over your face, or at the worst, become unusable.

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