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4 Hairstyles You Can Do In Your Car

If you typically run out of your house with wet hair, these styles will change your life
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Buckle Up
Messy braid styles will forever be in style (we hope!). They're quick and perfectly imperfect. This trendy updo works best on long hair.

1. Split your hair into two sections on either side of your head. Then, braid one section down to the ends.
2. Tug on your braid to loosen it, then wrap it over the front of your hair like a headband. Secure it with bobby pins.
3. Repeat both steps on the other side. Make sure you start your braid behind your ear and braid down the entire length of your hair.
4. Use bobby pins to secure the ends as necessary.

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Ready to take your car hairstyling to the next level? This look seems intricate, but it's easier to create than you might think.

1. Take a 2-inch section of your hair at your temple and braid it down to the ends. Secure at the back of your crown with a bobby pin.
2. Repeat Step 1 on the opposite side. You should have two single braids pinned at the back of your head.
3. Take half of your remaining hair and tuck it over to meet your braids. Make sure the ends are concealed underneath as you pin it down.
4. Repeat this step with the rest of your hair, pinning any additional pieces as necessary.

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Speed Bump
As much as we love a great top knot, getting it perfect -- aka no tangled elastics and matted hair -- while you're in your car seems impossible. This is a great alternative. It combines the same messy-chic style in a more polished way.

1. Gather your hair up into a high ponytail at the top of your crown. Secure with an elastic.
2. Divide your ponytail ends into two sections and twist each section down to the ends. Use both hands to twist in the same direction as you go.
3. Wrap each twist in opposite directions around the base of your elastic. Make sure each twist is wrapped around evenly.
4. Secure your look with bobby pins.

When it comes to multitasking, I'm pretty much the most efficient girl you'll ever meet. Running while talking? Check. Cleaning while cooking and watching TV? That's me.

And driving in the mayhem that is Los Angeles traffic has taken my uber-efficiency to a new extreme. I've done my makeup at stoplights, mixed a smoothie during rush hour, and even changed into workout clothes on my way to the gym (yes, all while driving and yes, I realize how dangerous this is). But the one thing that's always eluded me is creating a cute hairstyle in my car.

Coming up with a decent-looking hairstyle in your car takes strategy and some serious skill. But it is possible. Case in point: These beyond-cute styles that can be done in just four steps.

Whether you need to transition your work 'do into something more happy hour appropriate or you decide on an impromptu dinner while driving back from the nail salon, we've got a style for you. And don't even bother to bring any gels, creams, or serums with you. Just stash a strip of bobby pins in your glove box and you're covered.

Even if you think your styling skills are limited, you can make these happen. Check 'em out.
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