You want to say yes-yes-yes to dessert, but turning down a treat may have big benefits (beyond the impact on your thighs): turns out, self-control can boost your mood in the moment and in the long-term, according to new research published in the Journal of Personality. Source
A salon in Chicago is offering clients a "Cashmere Blowout" -- a $50, 45-minute straightening treatment that couples a texturizing spray with cashmere proteins and results in soft-as-a-baby-goat hair. (You did know cashmere comes from the fine, undercoat hair of goats, right?) Source
Bit of a bummer study: the wrong kind of anti-smoking ads may actually trigger the desire to smoke, according to findings published in the current issue of Media Psychology. If the PSA doesn't send a powerful message (say, the image of a former smoker with a tracheotomy or comparing smoking to farting in public), researchers found that weaker messages (think: images of people smoking, or cigarettes smoldering in an ashtray) can cause former smokers to relapse or inspire smokers to light up. Source
We looove this HuffPo shout-out to the best plus-size websites. Not only for the obvious reasons (hello, all body types), but for the surprising mix of mainstream and below-the-radar stores we never knew about.