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7 New Beauty Products to Buy This November

From Katie Holmes's favorite dry shampoo to the nail polish that stays shiny forever, you're going to love these latest launches
You know how when you go swimming or take a bath (or -- the worst offender -- do dishes without gloves) with a fresh manicure, and you inevitably emerge from the water with lackluster nails? Well, Sally Hansen is going to change all that. They developed this polish specifically for shine retention. It starts out super shiny, and it stays super shiny. It comes in 29 colors, and even has nail-moisturizing ingredients. I'm ready to paint my toes and go on a beach vacation. Who's with me?

After 15 years of a Katie Holmes obsession (to call me a "Dawson's Creek" fan would be an understatement), I finally got to meet her (eek!). I hung on every word she said -- the most important of which was her endorsement for this dry shampoo. To paraphrase: she loves dessert, and this smells like dessert. She's obsessed -- and I'm as starry-eyed as ever.

As soon as I got my hands on the dry shampoo, I went to town. While it didn't give me Holmes's hair (she's got at least six inches on me), it gave me volume, texture, and made my hair smell deliciously like mango and coconut -- just like Katie's.

I'm a nut for the holidays. Christmas music in October? That's me. Decorations? I'm putting them up this weekend. And I'm equally gaga for holiday-scented candles. If it smells like a tree, cranberries, or gingerbread I want six.

Still, my tiny New York City apartment can easily be overwhelmed by artificial holly scent, and then my husband and I both wind up with massive headaches. So I look for subtle, natural holiday-ish candles instead. The latest from Red Flower -- dubbed Wanderlust, which I love -- is exactly that. It's a tinge of holiday. (Think Trans-Siberian Orchestra instead of Mariah Carey.) It smells exactly like the Christmas tree farm I used to visit with my family when I was a kid. I want seven of them.

I'll do just about anything to avoid getting a haircut. (One too many where'd-my-hair-go experiences, and now I'm scissor-phobic.) Sadly, my split ends were looking ragged to the point where even Instagram filters weren't helping. Instead of making a salon appointment, I started using this deep conditioner a few times a week. It's not too heavy for my somewhat-fine hair, yet it makes my hair incredibly soft and shiny. And -- the best part -- it's buying me a few more weeks before my next haircut. My ends look that much better.

I'm a face oil pusher. If you have dry skin, you're probably an easy sell. If you have breakout-prone skin, on the other hand, you may have already stopped reading.

While this serum is great for all skin types, it's especially fantastic for people with oily skin. It contains turmeric, white lupin, and sunflower extract to brighten and even skin while regulating oil production. It also has vitamins A and E for exfoliation and antioxidant protection, respectively, and it's packed with omega acids. Trust me: you'll love it.

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