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Our Favorite '90s Beauty Products, Ranked

The 25 makeup, skin and hair care products you loved in the '90s -- and would totally still use
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It would be impossible to declare one decade better than all of the rest -- but we feel like we could make a strong case for the '90s. After all, the '90s not only brought Leonardo DiCaprio, "Friends" and AOL into existence, these golden years also launched a whole bunch of makeup, skin and hair products that we still think of fondly, even 20 years later.

As tough as it was to sort through the many colorful — and sometimes just plain wacky — beauty trends of days gone by, we did our best to rank the best beauty products of the '90s. Did we get it right? Keep clicking to find out.

Image via IMDB

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No. 25: Oxy Pads
If it didn't burn, it probably wasn't working -- at least, that was our approach to skin care during our most pimple-prone years -- and we could definitely feel Oxy Pads doing their job.

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No. 24: Stila Lip Glaze
Stila's Lip Glaze gave us the supernaturally shiny (if slightly sticky) lips we all desired in the '90s. The biggest downside: We had to be careful not to disturb study hall with the clicking noise that accompanied cranking out more gloss.

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No. 23: Butterfly Hair Clips
...Because who didn't want to look like she had a family of plastic butterflies nesting on her head?

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No. 22: Gap Perfume
If one could turn the exhilaration of first crushes and school dances into a fragrance, we're pretty sure it would smell just like Gap's Heaven or Dream.

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