Sure, this was a solid, pleasant-smelling perfume, but it's forever burned into our memories thanks to the innuendo-laced commercials that made us want to flee anytime we watched TV with our parents.
No sleepover was complete without meticulously applying one of these babies, mercilessly ripping it off and diligently scrutinizing the two or three blackheads that you removed with half of your nose hairs. So, so satisfying.
With chunky highlights and frosted tips dominating the late-1990s, we all wanted a piece of the action, and Sun-In provided a salon-free solution that could be achieved on the earnings of your summer job (plus a few hours spent laying by the pool). Never mind that it meant that half of the class showed up on the first day of school with orange- and copper-streaked tresses.
Though the tasty lip-gloss line launched in the '70s, it reached peak ubiquity in the '90s, with funky flavors like bubble gum, Coca-Cola and the most delicious of them all, Dr. Pepper.
While we had plenty of forms of glitter to choose from in the '90s -- gels, lotions, sprays -- we were partial to roll-on glitter, which allowed us to precisely apply it exactly where we needed it, like on our eyelids...and cheekbones...and temples...and arms... Hey, this was our decade to literally shine.