If you're a fan of homeopathic medicine, you've probably heard of arnica — if not, listen up. Arnica, also known as arnica montana or wolf's bane, is a yellow flowering plant from the sunflower and daisy family that is native to Europe. It's commonly used in homeopathy to treat a large array of conditions. Arnica can be used topically or taken orally, but to do so, it must be diluted because consuming too much can be toxic.
Arnica works wonders on bruising and swelling because it increases circulation and stimulates white blood cell production. Arnica also soothes sore, achy muscles and joints and can decrease pain after trauma or surgery. Many people use arnica before and after undergoing facial procedures and injections to prevent pain, swelling and bruising. Arnica also has antimicrobial properties and can be used in the treatment of acne, sunburn and insect bites.
If you look closely, you'll see a lot of beauty products contain arnica. The natural cure-all is an excellent way to treat most types of inflammation and bruising — and fast! I was in a bad car accident years ago and treated my bumps and bruises immediately with arnica. I should have been black and blue, but I healed ridiculously fast. I now use it to treat just about everything with arnica. So if you're looking for a fast, effective way to heal everything from pimples to Botox injections to muscle pain post-workout, try one of these arnica-infused beauty products — and make bruises a thing of the past.
Image via Instagram @arnicare
Arnica works wonders on bruising and swelling because it increases circulation and stimulates white blood cell production. Arnica also soothes sore, achy muscles and joints and can decrease pain after trauma or surgery. Many people use arnica before and after undergoing facial procedures and injections to prevent pain, swelling and bruising. Arnica also has antimicrobial properties and can be used in the treatment of acne, sunburn and insect bites.
If you look closely, you'll see a lot of beauty products contain arnica. The natural cure-all is an excellent way to treat most types of inflammation and bruising — and fast! I was in a bad car accident years ago and treated my bumps and bruises immediately with arnica. I should have been black and blue, but I healed ridiculously fast. I now use it to treat just about everything with arnica. So if you're looking for a fast, effective way to heal everything from pimples to Botox injections to muscle pain post-workout, try one of these arnica-infused beauty products — and make bruises a thing of the past.
Image via Instagram @arnicare
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