"My best friend went for her first ever Brazilian at this place we'd heard decent things about. It ended up taking over an hour, because somehow the waxer had managed to stick my friend's bum cheeks together with the wax and it took three waxer ladies to clean her up. I've since been there and had the fastest, most pain-free waxes ever, so who knows what happened!" -- rcb8 via Reddit
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"I was getting my eyebrows waxed and as she was tweezing the last few stragglers she sneezed ... in my face ... and the tweezers went through the top of my eyelid. Then she proceeded to charge me £15 whilst I held some bloodied cotton wool up to my eye. Luckily, her boss was mortified and compensated me instead of charging me." -- boochix via Reddit
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Ahoy, Matey
"When I was younger, I was applying fake nails. At one point I was trying to unclog the nail glue tube ... and accidentally glued my eye shut. I had to go to the emergency room and wear an eye patch for a week. Sooo embarrassing!" -- Candace Perkins on the Total Beauty Facebook page
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High Jinks
"Ok, I just want a trim!
Eight inches gone. Lol my hairdresser was high." -- BUKKAKE08 via Reddit
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Put It in Reverse
"In seventh grade, I had lots of fluffy little baby hairs, so I couldn't pull my hair back in a ponytail without looking like I had wispy '80s bangs. I had a brilliant idea one day, and decided to use chemical hair remover on my forehead! It burned my scalp and I now have a reverse widow's peak because my hair won't grow back there anymore." -- hbenv via Reddit
We've all had our fair share of beauty nightmares: Your stylist adds five inches to your "trim," the lady waxing you reveals it's her first day on the job, something that shouldn't be burning is definitely burning ... Sometimes you need to read an especially cringe-worthy beauty horror story to put your bad haircut or botched manicure in perspective. Misery does love company, after all. From unintentional mullets to traumatizing chemical burns, women far and wide (including our very own Total Beauty Facebook fans) have experienced it all. Here's to hoping none of these salon nightmares or DIY disasters happen to you.