"I was 20 years old and living at home with naturally brown/black hair. I went to my BFF in cosmetology school and went blonde. Not just blonde, Jayne Mansfield platinum blonde! My dad went ballistic! So much so, that we went and dyed my hair back dark ... on the same day! You guessed it! Major scalp burn! I wound up with scabs all over my scalp. A week later my hair started turning green! Never again ... at least until I turned 45." -- Patricia Casablanca on the Total Beauty Facebook page
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Danzig 'Do
"I went last week and asked for a basic "1 inch off, layers, bangs," type deal. I don't know what the hell happened, but by the end I looked like a late 1980s Glenn Danzig. The stylist was also the most boring person I've ever met.
Me: Sooooo ... weekend plans?
Her: Just work as usual.
Me: Oh, I bet it would be nice if they gave you a weekend off here and there, right?
Her: No, I don't do anything fun. I don't waste my money.
Me: Oh ...
Silence for rest of haircutting
Then ... Danzig hair." -- Baron3ss via Reddit
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Cool Down
"My hairstylist left a perm (read: relaxer) in too long. I basically had acid sitting on my head for too long. A chemical burn ate two square inches of my scalp. If I hadn't made my way to the sink before waiting on that nowhere-to-be-seen hack, I would've lost a whole lot more flesh." -- urkomisch via Reddit
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Beauty School Dropout
"Long story short. Go to beauty school after reading great reviews. Get a gal who whines about how much she hates the school. Get a bunch of bleach poured on my head. Hair turns bright yellow. Instructor takes me to the back and pours toner all over my head. Instructor proceeds to rub the toner in with a dry towel. I see the student's eyes widen in terror. Look in the basin. It's filled with my broken hair. Cry forever.
Tl;dr (Too long; didn't read): Went to get my hair bleached at a beauty school. Came back looking like a plucked chicken." -- SS111 via Reddit
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Chick 'Stache
"In high school I hadn't come to terms with my chick 'stache yet (now I just steal my husband's electric razor and move on). I purchased a package of at-home wax. You don't microwave it or boil the packaging -- you simply rub the strip of pre-waxed hell between your palms really fast to warm it up, place it on your face, and tear. I ripped off so many layers of skin off my top lip. I told everyone I had a bad reaction to sunscreen. It was a disaster." -- Mistyranch via Reddit
We've all had our fair share of beauty nightmares: Your stylist adds five inches to your "trim," the lady waxing you reveals it's her first day on the job, something that shouldn't be burning is definitely burning ... Sometimes you need to read an especially cringe-worthy beauty horror story to put your bad haircut or botched manicure in perspective. Misery does love company, after all. From unintentional mullets to traumatizing chemical burns, women far and wide (including our very own Total Beauty Facebook fans) have experienced it all. Here's to hoping none of these salon nightmares or DIY disasters happen to you.