One of the biggest issues bees are facing is that they're having a hard time finding food that isn't coated in harmful pesticides. "Many farmlands use tons of toxic pesticides that absolutely decimate hives and indiscriminately kill pollinators," says Stein. "The EU has begun putting bans on these harmful chemicals, like neonicotinoids, but North America has been slow to action." Changing legislation might be a long process that the average person has no connection to, but we can all help in a big way just by changing our shopping habits. "To support bees, buy organic and pesticide-free as often as you can and from brands that prioritize sustainability," says Stein. "Another easy way to make a real impact on your local bee population is to plant a bee garden. Bees need access to clean food, so providing our pollinators with organic, untreated plant life to feast on is one of the best ways to help." And yes, bees can thrive in urban environments!