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The Easiest Cure Ever for PMS, Stress, Insomnia and More (P.S. It's FREE)

Smart breathing techniques that can change your life
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When grandma is bench pressing more iron than you at the gym
Next time you're lifting, curling and pressing, look in the mirror -- you shouldn't be tight-lipped and red-faced. You don't have to grunt like a Williams sister at Wimbeldon, but you should be making somewhat audible inhales and exhales with every rep in your set to deliver sufficient oxygen to your muscle groups.

To keep your blood pressure down and make your moves more effective, exhale during the exertion portion of the move and inhale on the return for more oomph. For example, with a bicep curl, breathe out on the "up" phase (concentric contraction) and breath out on the "down" phase (essentric contraction). As hard as it may be, never hold your breath -- this keeps blood from returning to your heart and raises your blood pressure.

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30 seconds before you lose your sh*t
"Calm down." "Relax." The last words you're ready to hear when you're searching for a wall to punch. In just 30 seconds of white-hot anger, a lot is happening: your blood pressure increases because your body is trying to get more oxygen, your shoulders and back muscles tense, and your animal fight or flight instinct causes your pupils to dilate to focus on the threat (and/or target).

This is when you need to find your breath. Distract yourself from the nuisance at hand by focusing on a breathing pattern and silently repeating a mantra. Skip the usual "count to 10," which most people rush through, and focus on counts of four. Inhale from your belly for four counts, hold it for four counts and release for four counts until your counting slows down and your breaths became more full and deep.

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At work, when you're one of the walking dead
Coffee won't cure that late afternoon slump (blasphemy, I know). Instead of yawning at your desk, use your breath as a substitute for your next shot of espresso. Sit up straight in your desk, feet firmly planted on the floor and inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per second. Disclaimer #1: This is a noisy breathing exercise so you may want to take it somewhere private. Disclaimer #2: Don't do this for more than 15 seconds on your first try or you might pass out (which is counterproductive if you're trying to stay awake). Slowly increase your time by five seconds or so every time you tip into zombie zone until you reach a full minute.

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On an a.m. run, when you're feeling stabby
Running jostles your internal organs -- including your diaphragm -- up and down. If you're gulping for air as you hit your second mile, it can trap air in your diaphragm and cause it to spasm. The result? Painful stitches and cramps. To prevent those annoying jabs, try changing the pattern of your inhale and exhale ratios to three steps per exhalation and two steps per inhalation. This pattern ensures that the foot hitting the ground when you breathe out alternates between left and right, keeping your diaphragm even while you run.

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When there's no 'M' in your BM
OK, so you haven't been eating as much fiber as you should. That's why this is happening, right? Not necessarily. Studies show that low oxygen and carbon dioxide levels caused by quick, shallow breathing deprive your digestive organs of the fuel they need, resulting in constipation. Rhythmic breathing can be a great way to massage your digestive organs to get things, er, moving along.

To contract your digestive muscles, you want to alternate short, explosive exhales with longer inhales. But you've gotta be sure your exhales are powered by deep contractions in the lower belly, not in your chest. Here's how: Sit up straight with your feet planted on the floor. Cup one hand around the other and press gently against your lower stomach to feel where the contraction is coming from. Quickly contract your lower stomach, pushing a burst of air out of your lungs, then quickly release the contractions so your stomach sucks air back into your lungs. Repeat at about one exhale-inhale every one to two seconds and aim for 25 cycles. Combine this breath with a tummy-contracting move for best results: Inhale deeply, flexing your stomach muscles as you inhale. Hold your breath, and contract and expand your stomach rhythmically for as long as you can. Exhale completely. Repeat three to five times.

You breathe all the time. You're (hopefully) breathing right now. You've been doing it since birth, which kinda makes you a pro, right? Sadly, most of us aren't good at it because we aren't diaphragmatic breathing, aka belly breathing. Most of us go for the chest variety, which is too shallow and can throw off the body's oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanges, which can create a whole host of problems, including pain, stress and digestive issues. Simply training yourself to breathe more deeply and focus on your breathing patterns makes a world of difference. Ready to stop OD-ing on coffee, popping painkillers or staying up past your bedtime? Learn how to breathe.
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