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6 Pigment Drops That Will Totally Transform How You Use Foundation

Ace your base every time with transformative pigment drops
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There's no shortage of beauty products claiming to help you achieve complexion perfection: foundation, tinted moisturizer, BBs, CCs. But unlike their counterparts, pigment drops, the latest addition to this line-up, offer a completely customized way to achieve flawless skin. It's all about transformation. A few drops can tweak the shade of your favorite foundation (because, let's be real, no one's skin is the exact same color year-round) or switch up the level of coverage. Think of them as the easiest way to teach your old foundation some new tricks. Not a foundation fan? Mix in these colored drops with your go-to moisturizer, serum or face oil, and ta-da! You've got a whole new way to score perfect skin. And they can be worn on their own for crazy-good coverage. Here, six of our favorites that work so well they'll make your jaw drop (get it?).

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Isdinceutics Skin Drops, $52
Fun fact: Isdin is the number one dermatologist brand in Spain. Needless to say, this brand is serious about skin care. They developed these drops to help conceal major skin issues, like scars and vitiligo. This makes the opaque formula choice for those who want full coverage, though the texture is pleasingly light, whether you use them on their own or mixed with moisturizer. It's also a great product for concealing flaws on your body, think bruises, veins, or spots that you want to hide when wearing short-shorts or a strappy sundress. The drops are only available in two shades, though they can also be mixed if neither is quite right for you.

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Add these to your fave moisturizer, foundation or BB for a custom-made complexion perfector. How many drops you use determines the level of coverage: one for sheer, two for medium, three for full. Since the pigment itself is neither matte nor radiant, it takes on the finish of whatever you mix it with. We loved adding one drop to a little bit of face oil for super glowy, off-duty model skin. To get the best results, be sure to give the bottle a good shake first.

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These work equally well at both darkening and lightening existing complexion products, ensuring that you always end up with a shade that perfectly matches your skin. (FYI, they blend especially well with primer, too). Both the color and coverage get more intense the more drops you add, though a little goes a long way. And can we talk about the price for a second? We've paid more for a latte.

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The OG of pure pigment drops, these were the ones that started the trend. Thanks to Cover FX's trademarked technology, as soon as the product comes out of the bottle, everything but the pigments instantly evaporates, making this a much thicker and easier to control formula that isn't the least bit runny. Those pigments are also coated with lecithin, a fatty substance that's biochemically similar to skin, making them supersmooth and easily spreadable.

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