2017, with all of its uncertainty, has at least given the pimple popping world a great gift: the blackhead extracting tweezers. This little tool appeared on the scene early in the year, and has already amassed millions of fans. The curved tweezers are able to exert a precise pressure on even the tiniest of blackheads or sebaceous filaments, and its hook shape makes scooping up all the gunk post-popping oh-so satisfying. Move over, comedone extractor.
Best Pop: Starts at 1:36, but anything after the first 1:15 is pimple-poppers' gold.
Best Pop: Starts at 1:36, but anything after the first 1:15 is pimple-poppers' gold.
It's not just the over-the-top pops Dr. Lee posts on the reg that keep her fan base loyal. She's basically Oprah with a comedone extractor (and a medical degree). Her soothing demeanor and empathetic personality make seeing the doctor feel like a treat instead of a chore. She even started a GoFundMe for her patient "Pops," who lost his wife.
Best Pop: 1:39 is a two-for-one pop that can't be missed.
Best Pop: 1:39 is a two-for-one pop that can't be missed.
When a blackhead reaches planetary proportions, it's technically called a dilated pore of Winer. It's basically just a huge blackhead that keeps collecting gunk in a little hole until your family member (in this woman's case, her daughter) forces you to go see Dr. Pimple Popper. Once removed, the newly vacated pore is so stretched out that it's likely to fill back up. "This is like your own little coin purse," says Lee in the video, with typical Dr. Pimple Popper optimism.
Best Pop: There's only one, but the grand exit is at 1:49
Best Pop: There's only one, but the grand exit is at 1:49
Before there was Dr. Sandra Lee, there was Dr. Vikram. Die-hard pimple popping fans will remember when his videos hit YouTube in 2012, because the internet had not previously seen a nose this riddled with gloriously extractable gunk. Thirty-eight million views, people. Popaholics, we are not alone.
Best Pop: This one is rife with blackheads right out the gate, but a particularly satisfying one comes at 1:13.
Best Pop: This one is rife with blackheads right out the gate, but a particularly satisfying one comes at 1:13.