Any spray tanning technician worth their salt will wipe down your hands, elbows, knees and feet, or otherwise prevent these tricky areas from absorbing too much color. "These areas can be very problematic due to the skin being drier and more transparent," says Evans. She suggests applying an oil-free moisturizer to your hands, feet, elbows, knees and even around your hair line if you have very light or gray hair. "The moisturizer will act as a barrier to ensure the tan comes out perfectly even," she says.
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After your spray tan dries (some salons will hose you down with an air tube; others will just let you dry naturally), dress in loose, dark clothing that won't rub the tan off or get ruined if some of the color transfers. You should also avoid sweating or otherwise getting wet in the hours after your spray tan, which will cause the tan to run and streak.
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There are actually quite a few spray tan products you can use at home -- though of course, perfecting your tan with an aerosol can is a little trickier than having someone evenly mist your every curve and crease at a salon.
One of the biggest mistakes spray self-tanners make, according to Evans, is being afraid of using too much product. "They use a very small amount of product and try to tan a large area," says Evans. That's a recipe for streaks. Instead, when self-tanning at home, coat your body with spray tanner and then use a tanning mitt (a great streak preventer) to spread it evenly.
Oh, and you actually can't use too much. "The skin can only absorb a certain amount of tanning agent," says Evans. The rest should be buffed away with a tanning mitt.
Try: Hampton Sun Sunless Tanning Mist, $36, or, if you're in a hurry, spray on St. Tropez Self Tan Express Bronzing Mist, $40, which develops in one to three hours.
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One of the biggest mistakes spray self-tanners make, according to Evans, is being afraid of using too much product. "They use a very small amount of product and try to tan a large area," says Evans. That's a recipe for streaks. Instead, when self-tanning at home, coat your body with spray tanner and then use a tanning mitt (a great streak preventer) to spread it evenly.
Oh, and you actually can't use too much. "The skin can only absorb a certain amount of tanning agent," says Evans. The rest should be buffed away with a tanning mitt.
Try: Hampton Sun Sunless Tanning Mist, $36, or, if you're in a hurry, spray on St. Tropez Self Tan Express Bronzing Mist, $40, which develops in one to three hours.
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Spray tan mistakes happen. If streaks have you gasping at the full-length mirror in horror, Evans says baby oil plus exfoliation is the quickest fix. "Apply baby oil to the darker area and leave for 10 minutes," she says. "Scrub the skin with an exfoliator, then buff the skin using a hot, damp washcloth."
Hair removal cream is another expert hack for spray tan removal. Evans recommends applying it to the darker area with a Q-tip and leaving it on for half the recommended time -- any longer will lighten your skin too much.
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Hair removal cream is another expert hack for spray tan removal. Evans recommends applying it to the darker area with a Q-tip and leaving it on for half the recommended time -- any longer will lighten your skin too much.
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If your spray tan, for whatever reason, has you vowing to barricade yourself in your bathroom for 7 to 10 days while it fades, there is one way to remove it completely. Evans says a lemon juice and baking soda mix, left on the skin for five minutes, will remove a spray tan gone wrong. Wipe it off with an exfoliating or cleansing cloth, and you should have a clean slate.
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