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13 Celebrities Who Aren't Afraid to Take Beauty Risks

The risks seriously pay off
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For some celebrities, the red carpet is about more than looking stunningly gorgeous — it's an opportunity to debut some serious face art. These select stars never shy away from bold hairstyles, eyeshadow colors and other accoutrements and their big risks almost always pay off. So, from noted rainbow eye makeup enthusiast Lupita Nyong'o to hair chameleon Cara Delevingne, let's take a look at some of the most daring celebrity makeup mavens — and some of their top red carpet moments.

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Pretty much every time Rihanna hits the red carpet — or indeed, even snaps a selfie — she changes the whole game. Trust us, this stunning purple-on-purple high-drama look is only one stellar, daring look out of many.

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Kristen Stewart

Is there an avant-garde makeup look Kristen Stewart hasn't taken out for a spin yet? From the brightest neons to the most dramatic, sootiest kohls, she's done it all. We're especially loving this teal/pink eye lip combo and bobby pin madness from Cannes.

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Lupita Nyong'o

No one does colorful eye makeup looks quite like Lupita Nyong'o. From the crystals to the matching earrings to the rainbow hues of eyeshadow, this look is perfection.

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Cara Delevingne

Can you think of anyone — anyone — else out there who would shave their head, paint it silvery chrome and cover it in sequins for the Met Gala?

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