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3 Reasons Why Coconut Oil Is a Black Chick's Best Friend

Lizzo was right! All I needed was some coconut oil!
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Lizzo said it best: "I thought I needed to run and find somebody to love but all I needed was some coconut oil." This line comes from the aptly-named "Coconut Oil," which was on her debut solo EP. If Lizzo and her fabulous self spent time to title and write a song about this oil, then you know it's important. (Now, if you haven't heard this song, stop everything and listen because it is pure facts! The song is one of Lizzo's early classics and still rings true today.)

Anyway, as Lizzo says, who needs love when you got coconut oil? Coconut oil is truly the only thing a black girl needs for the rest of her life.

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Coconut Oil as a Pre-Poo Treatment
So pre-pooing is the main reason coconut oil and black girls are a match made in heaven. If you are a natural hair gal like myself, you know how hard it is to keep our hair moisturized. Moving from a humid climate to a more arid-desert climate wreaked havoc on my hair; I never knew how to keep it moisturized. (And believe me, I tried everything.)

For a while, I was convinced I was just going to have to chop all my hair off because it hated dry heat. Now matter what I did, the moment I walked out the door all the moisture would evaporate into thin air, leaving my style looking Crazy with a capital C.

Then, I realized moisturized hair starts on wash day. I also realized my shampoos were stripping my hair of important oils. To combat this stripping effect, I started pre-pooing (pre-shampooing) my hair with coconut oil and it made all the difference.

You can use two techniques: a hot oil treatment or the overnight baggy method. For hot oil treatments, I heat the coconut oil in a small saucepan. You must be very careful and make sure the oil is not scalding. Once the coconut oil is melted, I drench my hair with it. I sit for 30 minutes with a processing cap over my hair then I continue to shampoo as normal.

The baggy method I do the night before wash day. I take some coconut oil and lather my hair with it. I sleep with a processing cap over my head all night and wash with shampoo out in the morning as normal. If you were experiencing insane dryness before trying pre-pooing, being prepared to be shook. This will leave you hair feeling supple and soft. Just don't forget to deep condition afterwards to lock in all the moisture.

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Coconut Oil as a Lotion Alternative
If you suffer from dry skin, then coconut oil may be your savior. Personally, I am more of a shea butter girl. I've found that thicker oils and butters tend to work wonders on my skin. However, there are a lot of good benefits for using coconut oil for your skin as well — and many people prefer thinner oils such as coconut oil for skin purposes.

The best way to use coconut oil as a moisturizer is to apply it directly to the skin after you get out of the shower. Just douse your body in coconut oil and wait to be amazed of how soft your skin will feel. One of my ex-boyfriends used coconut oil after every shower to treat his eczema and it cleared up completely! So don't sleep on the coconut oil. It may just give you the softest skin you've ever felt — I can definitely say that was the case for my ex!

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Coconut Oil for Oil Pulling
So this next tip is not just for black girls, but for everyone. Experiencing bad breath? Well, oil pulling may help. Coconut oil has amazing anti-bacterial properties: The lauric acid in this fatty oil helps fight any harmful micro-organisms residing in your mouth. (Can I get an amen??)

The best way to oil pull is by putting a chunk of oil in your mouth. You swish it around in your mouth for a good 20 to 30 minutes. DO NOT SWALLOW IT: If you swallow, you will be consuming all of those harmful bacteria — yuck! Lastly, make sure you boil some salt water and gargle your mouth out with the salt water mixture. I used to actually use oil pulling before singing competitions when I was younger and it helped clear the phlegm out of my throat.

It truly is a miracle worker. Other times it can be useful? When you are sick, have tooth pain, and or bad breath.

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