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Are Collagen Supplements the Secret to Longer Hair and Nails?

Users swear this powerhouse ingredient helps hair and nails grow
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Additional Benefits of Collagen
While collagen gets most of its praise for great skin care benefits, a myriad of users have claimed that the results of collagen supplements go far beyond skin care. Collagen has been proven to improve joint and bone health and increase the growth of hair and nails. Don't be surprised when scrolling through YouTube or blog reviews raving about thicker, softer, stronger hair. Move over biotin, this hot-topic ingredient is the fix for hair, skin and nails. The increase of collagen in the hair shaft strengthens the hair follicles, which leads to better hair growth. Collagen is also a great way to decrease hair loss as it can add volume by increasing the diameter of each strand.

Collagen supplements can be found in both pill and powder form. Read on for some of the best-reviewed supplements for glowing skin, longer hair and nails, and better joint health.

Image via Imaxtree

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Hum Collagen Love, $40
If popping pills seems like the easiest solution for you, these collagen-rich capsules are easy to add to your daily vitamin routine so you don't forget.

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This grass-fed, gluten-free powder can be tossed into anything and everything without a gritty aftertaste.

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This organic probiotic boosts collagen in liquid form. For an inner boost, take a shot alone or mix with your favorite beverage.

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A low-carb powder that gives you both protein and collagen benefits in a delicious chocolate flavor.

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