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Everything You Should Know Before Your First CrossFit Class

CrossFit isn't as intimidating as you may think.
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CrossFit can be pretty intimidating: A stray YouTube clip of someone deadlifting roughly double their body weight is enough to send the average person running — away from the gym, not towards it (and definitely not at it).

That said, if CrossFit is something you're interested in, there's no need to be afraid: It's for everyone (and not just hardcore fitness fanatics). Though, there are definitely a few things worth keeping in mind before you sign up, from how to navigate the steep learning curves to how to avoid injury.

So, to help you understand CrossFit a bit better, we spoke to some seasoned fitness pros about all the important info to know as you embark on your newfound fitness journey — here are ten tips you should definitely write down ASAP.

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CrossFit Doesn't Have to Be Intimidating
"You don't have to be an elite athlete, a former gymnast, or a track star to join CrossFit," says Josh Mandel, owner, head coach and trainer of CrossFit KOA in Mountainside, NJ. "Instead, you need to be humble, hungry, and ready to be challenged mentally and physically."

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Schedule a Free Trial Class
"Anyone considering CrossFit should schedule a free trial class," Mandel advises. He explains that a free trial class is an excellent way to see if CrossFit is for you, since you'll complete a simple (yet challenging!) workout that will leave you tired (though not on the floor, gasping for air).

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Familiarize Yourself With Any CrossFit Box
"Before joining a CrossFit box, be sure to familiarize yourself with the possible options in terms of coaches and the facility," advises Abby Young, certified trainer at Bark River CrossFit. According to Young, every box (that's CrossFit's word for "gym," by the way) is different and if one doesn't seem like your style, there's usually another that's totally different.

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CrossFit Is All About Customization
"The best part about CrossFit is that your level of intensity is customized," says Young. She explains that the level of intensity is simply up to the individual. which allows everyone to begin at their most comfortable level.

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