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I Got Cupping on My Face for Anti-Aging and It Wasn't At All What I Expected

What happened when I went all Michael Phelps on my face
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Facial Cupping: The Process
McIntire started by massaging my clean face with squalane, an oil that can be derived from botanical or animal sources. For the treatment, she lay out a variety of cups that looked more like tiny turkey-basters than cups. On one end of each cup was a hollow tube; on the other, a squeezable bulb.

McIntire started by applying the hollow side of a large cup cup to my face while squeezing the bulb at the other end, which created light suction. Then, she moved the cup along my greased-up face. The effect was a consistent, medium-pressure massage.

Ninety percent of the experience was amazingly relaxing -- until a cup moved across my jawline, which felt oddly tender. McIntire could immediately tell my jaw muscles were sore. (I'm a habitual teeth-grinder.) She explained that cupping over tense muscles often causes sha.

After about 20 minutes, McIntire said I was good to go.

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Facial Cupping: After
Once I got to my car, I could see that my tense jawline was indeed covered in those spotty petechiae. Luckily, I was able to cover the imperfections with makeup. (They disappeared about a week later.)

On the plus side, my skin looked more alive than it had in ages -- I had no idea my cheeks could be so rosy. The treatment also made my skin look a little plumper and more youthful for a few hours.

I've often thought that massages make my aches feel a little worse before they start to feel better. That was certainly my experience post-cupping; my jaw felt achier than usual, especially when I talked and ate.

Because I wasn't sure if taking Advil for the pain would be kosher (it's a blood thinner, after all), I took a few hits of my (legal) vape pen and headed to brunch. If only all problems were so easily solved.

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Facial Cupping: Final Thoughts
Facial cupping is a super fast, relatively low-cost, non-invasive way to get youthful-looking skin and reduce puffiness. Some of the skin benefits are instantaneous, and most people can go about their normal routines right after the treatment.

The deep facial massage that cupping provides is also super-relaxing, especially if stress causes you to carry tension in your face. (If you wear Frownies or a mouth guard to bed, I'm looking at you.)

Before you try face cupping, I definitely recommend calling your provider to discuss your lifestyle, medications and skin-care routine. If any of your habits elevate your risk for broken capillaries, I would suggest trying other anti-aging treatments. Although the cosmetic and relaxation benefits of facial cupping are awesome, they may not be worth those red marks.

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