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11 Wine and Face Mask Pairings for Every Kind of Crappy Day

When the going gets rough, grab a glass and one of these masks
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Life's two greatest gifts to womankind have to be face masks and wine. Both have a tendency to lull us into a state of relaxation, even when sh*t totally hits the fan.

When you've had one of those days where everything that can go wrong does, the only question is: Which bottle of wine are you going to pop, and which mask are you going to slather all over your face? But we don't want you to have to waste a single second of your precious time agonizing over this crucial decision. We've found the best face mask for all of life's biggest FML moments (and okay, some minor ones too), and paired them with their drinkable counterparts. So get your corkscrews ready, ladies. You're about to find your chill again.

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When Your Kid Refuses to Sleep...
You've endured no less than five hours of non-stop screaming before your kid finally surrendered to slumber -- and now you're pretty sure all of your neighbors are plotting your demise.

The mask: Too Cool for School Egg Mousse Pack, $20
The frothy shaving cream-like texture of this mask will appeal to your inner-child -- and let's be real, you could use some fun. As bubbles lightly crackle on your face, egg white extract evens and brightens skin (read: makes even dead-tired moms look alive). Even better, this mask takes only five minutes, meaning it won't cut into your precious zzz's.

Pair it with: Champagne
Bubbles love bubbles. The sparkling wine in your glass perfectly matches the fizzing sensation on your face, and hell, the kid finally went to bed, which calls for a little celebration.

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When You Spill Coffee All Over Your Laptop...
Your wedding photos, your half-written manuscript, your entire music library -- they all went poof, thanks to the pumpkin spice latte tsunami you launched all over your personal computer.

The mask: Peter Thomas Roth Blue Marine Algae Intense Hydrating Mask, $52
The invigorating tingly sensation of this mask screams "fresh start," which you might as well embrace now that you're back at square one, digitally speaking. Blue marine algae loads your skin up with nutrients that fend off damage and dehydration, while Antarcticine (an ingredient sourced from glacial ice) helps keep skin hydrated even in extreme conditions. Together, they'll leave your skin looking dewy and refreshed.

Pair it with: Riesling
A solid match for the refreshing mask, the tart, honey-like sweetness of this white will help counteract your deep, deep bitterness at having lost everything.

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When Your Tinder Date Ghosts You...
"Mr. 6-foot-6 with blue eyes and a law degree" strands you at the bar for hours, sending nary a text, call or carrier pigeon in his stead.

The mask: Glamglow Flashmud Brightening Treatment, $69
This mask is formulated with a mix of brighteners that even out skin tone and three kinds of exfoliators, which work together to leave skin noticeably smoother and more luminous after just one use (but for best results, use for three consecutive days). In other words, once you rinse, you'll be ready to update your Tinder profile with a selfie that will make that dude realize just how much he was missing.

Pair it with: Pinot Gris
Keep things light with a crisp, zesty wine -- after all, there are plenty of right-swipes in your future. Plus, this deliciously fruity-smelling mask is just begging to be enjoyed with a light, dry white.

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When Your In-Laws Are Crashing With You Indefinitely...
It doesn't seem like your mother-in-law plans on relinquishing her post as your two-bedroom apartment's chief cooking-and-cleaning critic anytime soon. Needless to say, your hostess-with-the-mostess spirit is flagging.

The mask: Your picky guests are clearly in it for the long haul, which calls for not one, but two treatments (read: an excuse to hole up in the bathroom even longer). Start with Glossier's nutrient-packed Mega Greens Galaxy Pack, $22, to gently rid your pores of impurities, while taming inflammation. Follow it with Glossier Moisturizing Moon Mask, $22, for a heaping dose of nourishing almond oil and hyaluronic acid.

Pair it with: Chardonnay
A full-bodied white goes well with both the vegetal Galaxy and the creaminess of the Moon Mask. And when you finally emerge from your hideout, you won't have to worry about purple wine-stained teeth giving you away.

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