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The Foundation of Your Beauty: 10 Tips for Great Skin

Try these simple tricks and you'll have glowing skin in less than a month
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Repeat After Me: I Will Wear Sunscreen Every Single Day
Yes, even on cloudy days and days when you won't spend much time outside. Let me sell you on why. There are two kinds of aging -- internal and external. There's not much you can do about internal aging -- time and gravity eventually make skin sag. External aging has to do with environmental factors, sun exposure being the biggest one. Look younger longer and avoid lines, pigmentation and leathery texture with this simple daily step. If you want to elevate your skin-care skills to black-belt-ninja level, add a hat, stay under an umbrella at the beach or pool and walk on the shady side of the street.

Now, sunscreen. Finding a product whose texture you like is crucial -- it's the only way you'll use it daily. You also need a product with SPF 30 or greater. Personally, I like mineral sunscreens with the active ingredients titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which remain on the surface of the skin and reflect UV rays. The downside? They're heavier and whiter than chemical sunscreens, which are silkier and sink in quickly (but need more frequent reapplication). Pick a winner and get it into your routine.

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Sadly, There's No 'Makeup Removal Fairy' Who Visits in Your Sleep
Before-bed face-washing is never optional. Skip this step and your skin can't perform its ( restorative processes during the night), which ages your facial skin over time.

And, hey, the 10 minutes I spend in the bathroom before bed are the most relaxing in my day. But if that doesn't sell you and you know this ritual will never become part of your regular routine, keep makeup remover wipes and moisturizer on your nightstand and "wash" your face with those. Any cleansing is better than none.

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Add an All-Star Player to Your Bench
Translation: Find a dermatologist you love. It's like discovering a pair of Valentino Rockstud heels on a sale rack -- it's a rare get, but life-changing. When you schedule your annual mole check (fall is the best time of year), ask about your anti-aging concerns. Whether it's time to start using prescription-strength retinoid, try a laser treatment or pursue a more aggressive plan of attack, a great doc can guide you through the process without pressuring you into procedures you don't want.

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Get on a Totally Different Kind of Training Regimen readers always grill me on two things: How to treat acne and how to fight the signs of aging. Let's get this straight for the record.

If you have acne-prone skin, the simple act of maintaining the right regimen will stop the breakout cycle. That means continuing to use the products after your skin has cleared up. Too often, women think they're cured and stop treatment, which starts the breakout cycle again. So find a system of products you like and buy a lifetime supply.

If aging is your main concern, a routine actually trains your skin to act younger. Here's what you need to use for day: cleanser, antioxidant serum, eye cream and moisturizer with SPF 30 or greater. At night, use cleanser, retinoid, eye cream and moisturizer. If you're like me, you add a few extra products -- like a skin oil, beauty lotion and brightening serum -- to the mix. Regardless, consistency is the secret ingredient; it's like a personal trainer for your face.

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Add This Crucial Ingredient to Step up to Expert Level
Alright, so you're using sunscreen, but your skin can also be damaged by pollution. That's where an antioxidant serum comes in.

On especially cloudy days or days when you're not outside, an antioxidant might be more important than sunscreen. Layer your antioxidant under moisturizer and it will protect you from free radicals, which break down collagen -- the stuff that keeps babies' cheeks so pinch-able.

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