There's a reason why you see avocados in every #healthydiet photo on Instagram. They're delicious and good for you, particularly for your skin. It has 63 percent oleic acid, which happens to be great for your complexion. It also has antioxidants like vitamins C and E, which help prevent wrinkles and protect your skin from the sun. Go ahead and join the avocado fad.
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A dessert favorite that your skin also loves: Strawberries are powerful antioxidants and are packed with vitamin C. Eating them can help with collagen production, which in turn gives your skin and hair a boost. Its acidic nature also helps in removing excess oil which prevents breakout.
Image via Stephanie Nantel/Moment/Getty
Bugs Bunny probably have good skin after chomping all those carrots. Why, you ask? Carrots are high in beta carotene which is converted processed to vitamin A when inside the body. It's an antioxidant which helps repair skin tissue and protects you from the sun's UV rays. Help your skin keep its youthful glow by including carrots in your salad today.
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Another food rich in antioxidants, artichokes help in improving your skin health and slow down aging. Rich in vitamins A, B, C, phosphorus and calcium, they're great for giving your hair a little extra shine and bounce. Isn't that a reason to try an artichoke recipe?
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