Do you imagine hopping in the shower every day and having instant, springy, perm-induced curls? Not so fast. Lecher says this is one of the biggest myths about getting a perm. Just like when your hair was straight, you'll need to use hair products and styling tools to get the look you want.
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Be aware that if you're a dedicated wash-your-hair-every-day person you need to hold off washing it for three days after getting a perm, especially if curls are tight. Perming is a science and shampooing too early can hinder the texture and the longevity of the chemical treatment, Lecher says. Rizzo adds that perms need 28 hours after the process just to "neutralize."
Image via Imaxtree
Be prepared to book touch-ups about every 8 to 12 weeks. O'Sullivan says that those with longer hair might be able to go longer between touch-ups, while those with shorter hair will likely need a refresher at around three months. The three-month mark is also when Lecher finds herself "treating problem-solution texture or very soft waves and beachy texture."
Image via @jaime_king
Image via Imaxtree
Perms can be an investment between the initial cost of the perm, additional salon appointments and your arsenal of hydrating products. The prices can vary greatly by area and from salon to salon.
Rizzo estimates that perms can range from $200 to $500 with touch-up prices varying from $150 to $300, depending on the original cost of service. Plus, the price will increase depending on the thickness and length of hair. It's helpful to think of the price of a perm being similar to specialty color.
Image via Imaxtree