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4 Surprising Reasons You Have Greasy Hair

Not all of us have the time to wash our hair every two days and dry shampoo can only do so much. But there are a few things you can do to make your hair less greasy.
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We've all been there: Waking up the morning after a shower to realize that somehow, our hair has become greasy overnight. Whether you have an oily scalp in general, or simply try to stretch the days between washes for as long as possible, greasy strands can really put a damper on your style.

Oily hair struggles are especially difficult to navigate if you have fine hair or are currently sporting your natural curls. But are your habits making your hair greasier? While it might seem like our hair has a mind of its own, there are a few pro tips to nix the oil. Read on for the four key habits to quit in order to ditch your oily roots.

Image via Imaxtree

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Are You Shampooing Too Much?
Do you wash you hair every day? It could be the reason behind your greasy roots. Though it is important to shampoo your hair at least three times a week, doing it daily can strip your scalp of its natural oils. The scalp then produces more oil, which is why your hair gets greasy quicker if you are in the habit of daily shampooing.

Image via Imaxtree

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How Often Do You Clean Your Brush?
This is pretty basic advice, yet somehow we often skip cleaning our brushes thoroughly. Hairbrushes gather dust, grease and dirt and retain residual chemicals from our styling products — yikes. That buildup could be causing extra oil in your hair. If possible, clean your brush every day.

Image via Imaxtree

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You Must Exfoliate Your Scalp
Every time you wash your hair, take some time to clean your scalp. Like your skin does with makeup, your scalp gets clogged up with residuals from your products and dry shampoo, which could be collecting grease. Wash your hair with an exfoliating shampoo once a week.

Image via Imaxtree

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Is It Your Products?
Lay off the intense formulas until you have figured out what triggers your scalp's oil production. If you use styling products every day, you may be using ingredients not compatible with your hair. Choose lighter formulas, preferably ones that don't contain oil.

Image via Imaxtree

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