While we'd like to pay a one-time fee and call it a day, hair color takes regular maintenance. There are touch-ups, color-specific hair products and sometimes toning and correcting appointments that are needed. Color and touch-ups can cost anywhere from $50 to well over $150, depending on where you live and which salon you choose. If you're choosing a bright or vivid hue, you'll likely require more frequent touch-ups and maintenance.
Image via Imaxtree
Image via Imaxtree
So you've decided that you want the color, but aren't quite ready to commit? There are plenty of options out there that can suit your needs without the full commitment of permanent color. For color that lasts a day or two, try a color spray or hair chalk. These are easy ways to add color and rinse out whenever you're ready for a change. If you're looking for an all-over color change, try finding a quality wig with human hair. While the idea might seem a bit out of the box, it's a great way to see how the color complements your skin tone without ending with a big oops.
Try Bumble & Bumble Bb.Color Gloss, $34
Try Bumble & Bumble Bb.Color Gloss, $34