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10 Feel-Better Yoga Moves

Battle your daily aches and pains with these healing poses and positions
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For hunched shoulders
Try: Locust Pose

Why: By working the upper back muscles, this pose helps improve posture and relieve the stress and tension your shoulders carry when you're constantly slouching forward.

Lie on your stomach with arms at your sides and rest your forehead on the mat. Extend feet behind you, hip-width apart, and press your weight evenly across the tops of both feet. Inhale and lift your chest and arms, palms facing down. Reach your arms back toward your feet. Use your inner thighs to lift your legs up toward the ceiling. Breathe here for 30 seconds and slowly release, taking your left ear to the mat. Repeat, and finish resting your right ear on the mat upon release.

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For a lingering cold
Try: Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Why: This restorative pose supports the immune system by improving circulation and encouraging the body's natural healing process.

Lay down on your back. Bring the soles of your feet to touch and open your knees wide, like a book. Relax your arms down by your sides, palms facing up. For extra support, lie down on a bolster or pillow to support your spine, and prop up both knees with a folded blanket or pillow. Close your eyes and breathe in the position for five to 15 minutes.

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For strained texting neck
Try: Bridge Pose

Why: This grounded version of a back bend is the perfect way to safely stretch the back of the neck while strengthening your back for extra support.

Lay on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms by your sides. Press your feet down into the floor to lift your hips up. Roll the upper arms open towards the sides of the room and ground the outermost part of your arms down into the floor. Lift and spread your chest. Optional: Interlace your hands under your back. Hold for five to 10 breaths.

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For a budding case of carpal tunnel
Try: Staff Pose

Why: This simple position strengthens the flexor muscles in your forearms to help soothe and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and pinched nerves in wrists.

Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended in front of you, keeping your back straight. Place the palm of your hands on the floor on by your hips. Flex your toes and point your fingers away from you (toward your toes). Sit towards the front of the sit bones, and adjust the pubis and tailbone equidistant from the floor. Squeeze your thighs inward, press down and feel the stretch in your wrists. Hold for one minute or longer.

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For tired, stiletto-abused ankles
Try: Downward-Facing Dog with Foot Pedal

Why: The ankles and feet are usually ignored in stretching. This foundational yoga pose gives both areas a deep stretch to counteract the unnatural positioning created by high heels.

Start on your hands and knees. On an exhale, tuck your toes under and press into your hands as you lift your hips to create an inverted "V" shape with your body. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart, and spread your fingers wide. Next, slowly pedal each foot, shifting your weight from left to right to deepen the stretch and strengthen ankles. Repeat for 10 breaths.

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