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7 of the Most Legit CBD Skin Care Products (That Aren't Sketchy at All)

Stay safe, and stay calm, my friends
Think the classic Josie Maran Argan Oil, but much more soothing (yes, it can actually get more soothing!). The combination of argan oil and CBD-rich cannabis sativa hemp extract will leave your complexion smooth, plump, and seriously soothed.

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Don't worry about clogging those pores because this noncomedogenic moisturizer gives you all the hydration you need without the greasy residue. You'll get some intense hydration plus the calming, nourishing benefits of the CBD, all in one moisturizer.

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Packed with antioxidants and 20 potent botanicals (including CBD, of course), this ultra-luxe CBD serum will basically leave your skin as hydrated, detoxified and glowy as a facial.

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The perfect combination of healing salts, minerals, botanical infusions and cannabinoids, the mind and body will instantly be calmed as you melt into a bathtub of hot water with these CBD infused bath salts.

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This refreshing CBD-infused gel mask does more than calm stressed-out skin. It's also hydrating, plumping, softening, and brightening — all in about 30 minutes.

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