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10 Easy Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health This Month

Here is how to improve your self-care game this spring.
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Been feeling a little down lately? Spring provides the perfect time to change the channel. After all, that pesky Seasonal Affective Disorder should hopefully be in the rearview mirror — and with warmer weather, you have so many more opportunities to let loose and have fun.

To help you better your self-care regimen this spring, we spoke to some psychologists about ten easy habits that'll boost your mood (and, bonus, require little to no effort). Their tips are easy to implement, yet so, so effective, and range from quick 10 minute journal sessions to some simple decluttering.

So, ready to change the channel? Keep reading for ten helpful expert-approved suggestions worth keeping in mind.

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Clear Out the Clutter
As the warmer weather of spring starts to come to play, licensed clinical social worker Lauren Moser Vilar, MSW, LCSW, LCAS, says that it's a good time to clear your space of things that are no longer serving you. "Gain emotional freedom from items that could be mentally weighing you down," she tells TotalBeauty.

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Create a Daily Ritual
Moser Vilar says having a daily ritual is key to achieving peace of mind, since it allows you to allot ten minutes a day for yourself. "Meditate, read a book, take a bath, or drink some tea," she recommends.

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Keep a Journal
This is another easy way to boost your mental health according to Moser Villar: She suggests that writing daily in a journal helps clarify your thoughts and feelings, reduces stress and helps sort through problems.

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Improve Your Sleep Routine
"Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day," says licensed psychologist Erika Martinez, Psy.D., CDWF. Avoid bright lights and LED screens 30 to 45 minutes before time, she advises.

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