When feeling overwhelmed, pause, don't make an effort. Pretend everything is moving in slow motion and you have space and time to find your balance. Pushing against stress makes it worse. A few deep breaths in a tense moment will create more space, and with more space come more options.
Image via Delmaine Donson/Getty
Image via Delmaine Donson/Getty
When you are in bed, either before you go to sleep or when you wake up, place one hand on your chest and the other on your lower abdomen. Breathe in while imagining the lower abdomen under your hand filling with a soft calm energy. This will feed the kidneys, which are connected with the emotion of fear; as you breathe out allow that energy to rise to the heart feeling it swell under your other hand. When our hearts are out of balance we feel anxious. When the heart is full it can give from a place of abundance that won't deplete us.
Image via Tetra Images/Getty
Image via Tetra Images/Getty
Try adding in a few of these foods to shift the patterns of stress and rebalance the heart-mind connection. Oats with red Chinese dates and a little honey, for example. Add some of these to a soup: cabbage, celery, leeks, garlic or ginger. Sip tea with chamomile, hibiscus, or licorice.
Image via Rowan Jordan/Getty
Image via Rowan Jordan/Getty
Go with body oils or incense that include rosemary, lavender, or vetiver to help release the tension created by stress.
Image via Kseniya Starkova/Getty
Image via Kseniya Starkova/Getty