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10 Workouts That'll Help You Get Over the Winter Blues

Use these fun workout hacks to kick off springtime!
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Embrace dance fitness workouts

"My favorite way to stay active and happy no matter the weather is with dance fitness workouts," says ACSM-certified personal trainer LJ Kunkel. She says that motivating music adds a powerful fun factor that boosts both body and mind — so you'll look forward to your sweat session, instead of dreading it.

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Grab a workout buddy

"It can be a partner, friend, child, or even your pooch, so you have someone to keep you accountable and help you stay track with your goals," says personal trainer Lisa Reed, MS, CSCS, USAW.

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Try to exercise at home

"If you are finding it difficult to leave your home to find fitness, rest assured you can exercise in your living room, bedroom, or studio apartment," says Caroline Freeman, a personal trainer at Crunch 59th Street. There are a variety of live-at-home interactive fitness classes (think yoga, cardio, pilates, indoor cycling, and boxing), that are available on streaming devices such as smart TVs, tablet, and phones, she explains.

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Take a group class

"Group classes have many benefits, as they are led by a certified fitness instructor and provide structured workouts that target the entire body in all planes of motion," Freeman tells TotalBeauty.

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Don't be afraid to hire a personal trainer

"Personal trainers create programs tailored based on your fitness goals, whether it's weight loss, getting toned, or training for a marathon," says Freeman. Plus, as she points out, having a scheduled session with your trainer will keep you consistent and accountable with your fitness goals.

Image via Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty

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