"This is what my bathroom counter looks like most days. I open packages and, instead of throwing stuff away, I leave boxes, tissues, razors, used makeup sponges, you name it, scattered everywhere. I leave the caps off of everything. I never put anything in a drawer or cabinet. I know my neat-freak husband loves me because he's willing to share a bathroom with me."
"I use an old, dried-up liquid liner pen as a tool to dip in my eyeliner pot. In my defense: it's still a great tool!"
"I try to extend the life of a pedicure as long as humanly possible. Once the polish starts cracking and chipping, I'll just slather another layer of polish over, sometimes in a different color if I don't own the original. I rationalize this habit by reminding myself that my toenails are far enough away that no one will notice. And I'll make it to the nail salon ... eventually."