There's a rainbow of lattes to discover. This one gets its lovely hot pink color from beetroot powder. The ingredient is combined with vanilla and maca powders and oat milk for a warming, virtuous drink. (You're on your own for the latte art, though).
Recipe and image via @yassumaria
Oats plus oat milk is hardly an unexpected combination, but we can't knock a delicious classic pairing. This recipe has a triple dose of oats because it uses leftover oat balls as the crumble on top. Add any other crunchy toppings as needed.
Recipe and image via @amararuth
All hot chocolates aren't created equal, especially vegan ones. Creamy oat milk gives this version extra richness. Maple syrup and whipped coconut cream work together to kick it up a few delicious levels.
Recipe and image via @cupfulofkale
Yes, you have time to make this refreshing smoothie in the morning. Simply add the fruit, oat milk and orange juice into a blender and blitz until it turns a uniform pretty pink. Enjoy the berry, oaty goodness.
Recipe and image via @balfe_arbman
This recipe isn't about oats. It's about oat milk. It's definitely worth taking the extra few steps to create fresh oat milk. It's lip-smacking-delicious. For a summer breakfast, try combining oat milk with seeds and the seasons' fresh fruits.
Recipe and image via @foodbyannie