Enjoy your personality quirks and celebrate your uniqueness! Think you're alone? Halle Berry has an extra toe. Tina Fey has a scar on her chin. Angelina Jolie has knobby knees. Mila Kunis and Kate Bosworth have two different colored eyes. The point is, everyone has something that's weird about them. The smaller the world becomes through the internet, the more opportunities there are to make connections with people who are just like you. Build a community. Learn to laugh at yourself! Make the most of your "flaws" by playing them up.
Image via Imaxtree
Image via Imaxtree
This might be the year that you decide enough is enough. I'm tired of not liking me. If doing it yourself isn't working, seek professional help. A counselor, psychologist or therapist might be able to help you figure out where your feeling of self-loathing is come from, then how to get rid of it. It's an investment in YOU!
Image via Imaxtree
Image via Imaxtree
The easiest way to lift both your spirits and your self-esteem is to do something. It is almost impossible to feel like a shitty person when you are doing something awesome. Feeling bloated? Go for a walk. Sad? Make someone else happy. Messy? Organize your junk drawer.
These little things, if you let them, turn into big things — and make your whole year better. So forget the resolutions. Love your amazing yourself!
Image via Imaxtree
These little things, if you let them, turn into big things — and make your whole year better. So forget the resolutions. Love your amazing yourself!
Image via Imaxtree