"Don't do any deep twisting when you're pregnant. I also decided to stop doing core work early on, mostly for my safety. In the beginning, you're not going to hurt your baby doing core work, but you want to make sure that your stomach muscles are relaxed, and I had very tight stomach muscles. You don't want your stomach to eventually split, which is common in pregnancy if you continue to do core work."
"When we got pregnant -- and it was a surprise -- I calculated and realized 'ugh, end of August.' But there are some positives. You don't have to worry about getting your body back right away, and you get to work out when you're not going to be in a bikini."
"You have to understand that your body is going to get bigger when you're pregnant. And there are going to be aches; there are going to be pains. But you're creating life."
"Soaps can be so drying, which is why I've been using Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash. It's is a product I found during pregnancy, and it's been incredible. Don't ever dry out your skin."