It's easy to start worrying when you notice hair tangled everywhere: In your shower drain, on the carpet, on your pillows, your outfit, your scrunchies, your brushes, etc. Most of the time, it's nothing to worry about: Some level of hair fallout is normal, especially for women.
What's really scary, though, is when you notice shedding in thick clumps — especially if it doesn't grow back. There are many potential causes for hair loss, such as your genetic makeup, hormonal imbalances, stress, iron deficiency, and hypo/hyperthyroidism. If you think you may have one of these issues, it's best to consult with a doctor to determine the cause and the best remedy.
But if your hair loss is more on the normal spectrum and you just want to keep your mane a little stronger and shinier than usual? Well, here are a few different tricks you can incorporate to your beauty routine. Read on!
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It's not just for the gains: Protein also helps in making sure your hair stays strong and healthy. Protect your hair from the inside out by chugging some protein shakes from time to time, or by making sure you're eating protein-rich food.
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Aside from protein, taking your vitamins also helps in keep your strands strong, while also promoting hair growth. Make sure you're getting your daily dose of vitamins A, B12, C, D, E as well as iron and zinc — if you're unsure where to start, there are vitamins specially formulated for promoting hair, like the new Evolution_18 Strengthen Capsules, $30. You'll also want to eat a healthy balance of leafy greens, eggs, fish, beans, and lean meats.
Nope, this isn't just a scheme to encourage you to go to the gym regularly. Exercising is known to reduce stress which a potential trigger for hair loss. When you exercise, you also increase blood circulation which can also improve your scalp health.
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Bring those essential oils you use for your skin care regimen up to your scalp. Essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, jojoba, and coconut can potentially help promote hair growth and prevent shedding. Massage them into your scalp and leave it for an hour — it's quite the relaxing treat, since they smell amazing.
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