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How To Reverse Multiple Signs of Aging

Learn tried-and-true techniques to getting younger-looking skin with our step-by-step guide
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The Sign: Wrinkles
Here's the dirty little secret about wrinkles: There are several factors that contribute to their formation beyond the number of birthdays you've had. To pick the best way to battle unwanted wrinkles, it's important to know why they've formed in the first place. According to Shamban, there are several types of wrinkles, all of which involve the degradation of connective tissue (collagen and elastin) due to aging or UV exposure. These aren't scientific categories; rather, they're grouped by treatment.

The Culprits:
•Facial expressions: Crow's feet, forehead lines and other fine lines around the eyes and nose come from facial movement and can be treated with Botox.
•Fat loss: Tissue degeneration and fat loss cause naso-labial folds (the parentheses-shaped lines that extend from the bottom of the nose down to the chin) and marionette lines (the lines running downward from the chin). Both can be treated with fillers.
•Fine lines: Also known as lines of laxity, fine lines can be treated with lasers, radio frequency and ultrasound at the derm's office, or with exfoliating topicals like retinols and alpha hydroxy acids at home.
•Dehydration: Extreme dryness can create fine lines that can be treated topically with at-home moisturizers.

If you have a combination of these issues, the best thing you can do is follow an antioxidant-rich diet and get plenty of sleep to repair and promote faster cell regeneration. Click ahead to read more about the ingredients, products and practices you can add to your routine to amp up the effectiveness of your anti-aging skin care arsenal.

Look for a single product that targets multiple signs of aging, such as a creme that promotes cell turnover, to make your skin smoother, softer and more radiant over time. According to Shamban, one of the most significant tools at your disposal is sunscreen, which you should use every day, regardless of weather. "If there's enough light to read by, there's enough UV floating around that you should protect yourself," she says. "And if you live in a particularly warm or sunny area, you must reapply at midday."

"Remember that it takes at least three months in some cases and six months in others to really see the results of any skin care regimen, so don't give up," Shamban reassures.

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The Sign: Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation, a skin condition in which patches of skin become darker in color, is caused by an excess production of melanin. According to Shamban, a variety of factors spark this excess of melanin, including hormones, medication and, most commonly, UVA rays from the sun, which cause age spots.

Age or liver spots are exclusively caused by years of UV damage from unprotected sun exposure. "You see more of them on the left side of the face due to driving and on the hands because most of us rarely use sunscreens on our hands," Shamban explains.

Luckily, hyperpigmentation can be treated with topical products, but the No. 1 priority is to minimize sun damage in the first place. "Once and for all, lay to rest the myth that 'healthy tanning' exists. Tanning is a sign that the body has been injured," Shamban says. She stresses the importance of daily, thorough and reapplied sun protection not only on the face, but also on the chest and hands. At the end of the day, your No. 1 prescription is "sunscreen, sunscreen and more sunscreen," Shamban says.

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The Sign: Sagging Skin
As you age, your skin gradually loses more and more collagen, the protein that aids your skin's elasticity. But the truth is, skin sagging can happen at any age due to lack of exercise, sun damage, dehydration and even weight loss, so it's important to think defensive strategies in your skin care regimen and lifestyle. According to Shamban, the best at-home treatments are rich in vitamin C and alpha or beta hydroxy acids, which stimulate collagen production.

Beyond your beauty routine, it's doctor's orders per usual: Exercise regularly, drink plenty of water throughout the day and sleep regularly to promote collagen production. Complement your fitness routine with anything that increases muscle tone -- exercises as simple as these face yoga poses can help promote a more youthful appearance.

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The Sign: Breakouts
If you've noticed your face is more prone to breakouts and inflammation, you're not alone. Adult women of all ethnicities experience breakouts because of "stress, which creates an androgenic (male) hormone cascade that triggers acne," says Shamban. But while the cause is the same, the effect it has on skin is different depending on ethnicity.

Shamban says that African American and Latino skin is more likely to scar or keloid (a type of raised scar tissue), "meaning acne prevention and immediate treatment are imperative." You don't need a doctor to tell you there's really no way to eliminate stress entirely. However, there are some lifestyle changes and at-home treatments that can help.

First, Shamban asserts that you need to break bad habits. While it may be tempting, she says picking at breakouts leads to scarring and more acne because "you are spreading the bacteria and infected material." Second, Shamban recommends trying a low-glycemic diet -- this means staying away from white breads and sugars for a few months in order to see improvement.

To treat existing acne, Shamban recommends at-home electronic cleansing devices and products that contain alpha hydroxy acids or retinoids.

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The Sign: Dry Skin
Oily, dry, combination -- regardless of your skin type, your skin grows drier as you age. According to Shamban, oil glands produce less oil as you get older. The result: visibly drier skin that begins to crack, which fosters wrinkles. To replenish your skin with much-needed moisture, Shamban recommends glycolic acid to slough off dry, flaky patches. "Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid derived from sugar cane that aids in exfoliating your skin," she says. Once applied, the molecules sink into your skin, allowing dead cells to shed and giving your skin a healthier, brighter appearance.

At home, you can safely boost your skin care regimen by applying super-hydrating coconut oil to severely dry areas and up your water intake to stay hydrated and nourish parched skin cells.

AUG 15, 2016 | SHARES
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