"Carefully categorize items including foundations, eyeliners, shadows, lipsticks, brushes," says makeup artist Tara Dowburd. That way, she points out, it'll be easier to get rid of any repeats.
Image via Martin Poole/Getty
Image via Martin Poole/Getty
Products expire, so be sure to check for expiration dates — liquids, creams, and gels tend to be best for up to 6-12 months at most, mascara for up to four to eight weeks and powder products (think blush, powder, and eyeshadow) for up to two years.
Image via twomeows/Getty
Image via twomeows/Getty
"Be sure to wash your brushes, as they can be bacteria magnets and hold on to makeup and germs," Dowburd explains.
Image via JuliaK/Getty
Image via JuliaK/Getty
"Embrace products that create dewy, shimmery and glossy finishes," Dowburd recommends — after all, they're perfect for spring. However, she also notes that a little goes a long way, so make sure you don't over do it (or else you might end up looking sweaty or shiny).
Image via netrun78/Getty
Image via netrun78/Getty
"Clean not only your makeup tools and discard expired makeup and skin care, but also clean your actual cosmetic case," says Annie Tevelin, makeup artist and founder of SkinOwl. She explains that cosmetic bags often go years withou a decent cleaning, so make sure to grab cleansing wipes and warm water and remove all the dirt, debris, and bacteria that can get into your brushes.
Image via Fabrice Poincelet/Getty
Image via Fabrice Poincelet/Getty