Indian fashion designer Manish Arora is known for his colorful, intricately patterned designs. But that doesn't mean the jewelry creations get upstaged by the bold clothing. This pineapple bracelet (not to mention those nails) caught our eye in a sea of color at the spring/summer shows.
You can never have too many delicate gold rings. You really can't. Pile them on, mix and match, string them on a necklace ... you get the point. We spotted this adorable Kristin Ash pineapple ring on style blog Anything With Studs.
I'll admit -- I'm not actually a sparkle person. I'm not really a pink person either. I prefer head-to-toe black, and my boyfriend's pockets always seem to be a better alternative to a clutch. But there was something about this oversized House of Cards clutch found on Breakfast With Audrey that made me want to rethink my fashion rules. I give in. It's adorable.
Ah, Kate Spade. That woman can turn any creature/idiom/neon color into a piece of jewelry and I'm sure to be daydreaming about it for days. These Pineapple Grove Studs seen on Southern Sweetie are perpetually sold out. I don't have to tell you why.
You have to have a sense of humor and a little bit of quirk to pull off something like a pineapple-shaped purse, and blogger and stylist Tiany Kiriloff of The Kirilove Blog is just the person to do it. She was spotted at Paris Fashion Week doing a little print mixing -- because what goes better with a pineapple purse than a lemon-printed skirt?