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All That Glistens Is Rose Gold

How to wear this season's hottest metallic hue
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Rose Gold
Making its first global appearance in jewelry, rose gold swept the fashion industry as the chicest accessory color combo to hit the runway. In an attempt to give the trend even more staying power, designers branched out from jewelry and into bigger accessory and fashion items, with rose gold details on shoes, handbags and even clothing. Now anything goes -- from iPhone cases to Nike Fuel bands to curling irons. And thanks to Sienna Miller, it's even the "It" hair color for summer.

Matching traditional gold pieces like necklaces, midi rings and arm candy with a splash of pink-tinted gold is a simple way to upgrade your spring fashion wardrobe. Taking it up a notch and pairing your spring fashion pieces with rose gold sandal heels, bags, belts and hair accessories is what stylish girls consider the ultimate way to really make the trend pop. Take a look at this season's most covetable accessory statement.

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Cuff Love
To add elegant structure to the carefree vibe of his 2014 spring/summer collection, Jason Wu topped his models' sleek low ponytails with these rose gold hair cuffs.

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Caught (Almost) Red-Handed
From models' rose gold hair colors to the accessory details like this cuff bracelet, the Veronique Branquinho runway was sprinkled with the rose gold trend during Paris Fashion Week.

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Kate Bosworth sparkled in an intricate quilted and rhinestone-encrusted mini-dress designed by Giambattista Valli. The head-turning dress called for only the sleekest and simplest of accessories, like these gorgeous metallic rose gold pointed pumps.

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Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Cheryl Cole snapped a pic wearing mirrored, aviator sunglasses in rose gold, proving Brits make even simple sunnies look posh.

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