Marissa Cooper had 99 problems, but her beauty game wasn't one. Not only could she rock a side braid like nobody's business, she had the ability to look amazing even when she was crying (which was, let's face it, a lot of the time).
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The choppy layers and not-subtle-at-all highlights Kirsten Cohen briefly donned in season one taught us that even the most stable of the "Newpsies" make bad hair choices -- but it's nothing you can't recover from. Especially with some Yogalates.
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Nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and swear your love for sleek ponytails, like Coops did on New Year's Eve.
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If Summer's hoop earrings and half-pigtails don't epitomize the style of the early aughts, we don't know what does.
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Manic Pixie Dream Girl Anna Stern had the quirkiest beauty and fashion choices on the show (who can forget her fuzzy pink brimmed hat?). Her look for the Cohens' holiday party proves that yes, you can wear smoky eye makeup and red lipstick at the same time.
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