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Tuina Lets You Enjoy the Benefits of Acupuncture Without the Needles

Everything you need to know about the ancient practice.
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We're all well aware of the benefits of acupuncture. But if you're needle-phobic, those benefits don't really matter. Thankfully, Seyhart in Santa Monica, California offers an alternative way to get the pros of acupuncture without those pointy cons via a technique known as Tuina (pronounced twee-nah).

The practice focuses on balancing the qi, or life force, and blood in your body. Like acupuncture, Tuina targets specific acupoints. Specialists apply pressure to these points using their fingers rather than needles to produce similar results.

So we headed to Seyhart to try it out for ourselves.

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What Exactly Is Tuina?

A form of traditional Chinese medicine, Tuina is a combination of pressing, rubbing and kneading the soft tissues in the back to increase energy by stimulating blood flow. In addition, this massage-like practice encourages toxin release helping patients heal from the inside out.

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What Are the Benefits?

Everything from releasing anxiety to the expulsion of toxins to an increase in energy and recovery to the restoration of core wellness.

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Does It Hurt?

Tuina is similar to a massage, but the pressure is applied with more focus. If you're used to getting massages, it's unlikely Tuina will hurt. Although you may be a little sore afterward. Don't be alarmed if light bruising occurs since it's completely normal.

Just be sure to communicate with your specialist about trouble spots, preferred pressure or if you are experiencing any pain.

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Where Can I Get It?

Tuina can be found at most clinics that offer access to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), including places that specialize in acupuncture. Make sure that you are working with a practitioner who specializes in the practice. The team at Seyhart includes physicians and Asian medicine experts trained in TCM.

Image via KONCTD Media

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